At his office in Asheboro, Dr. Imran Haque has helped many Asheboro and Ramseur, North Carolina residents improve their body. Viewed as one of the leading doctors in the area who provide Venus Body Contouring, many of his patients highly recommend him to others who are interested in the treatment.

Venus Body Contouring Q & A
Venus body contouring is a non-invasive treatment that helps improve the body’s shape. It can be used to:
- Reduce wrinkles
- Tighten skin
- Reduce cellulite
Venus Body Contouring uses heat to activate a natural process in the body that removes fat. The treatment warms up the skin with a combination of multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed electromagnetic fields. By heating up the skin, the treatment prompts the body to release stress hormones that attach to fat cells in the hypodermis (which is the deepest layer of skin). These stress hormones, in turn, activate an enzyme that’s known as lipase. Lipase turns unusable triglyceride fats into free fatty acids, which enter the bloodstream and can be burned off by the body.
Venus body contouring is an outpatient procedure that can usually be completed in just part of a day. Because the procedure is non-invasive, the recovery process is short. Patients can return home soon after the procedure is completed and they’re often able to go back to their normal routines with just a few restrictions that should be heeded until the treated area is healed.
Venus body contouring is perfectly safe when administered by a licensed and trained physician. The procedure is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and many doctors regularly recommend the treatment.
In addition to seeking out a licensed and board-certified doctor who specializes in Venus body contouring, patients should also seek out someone who offers other weight management treatments. A doctor who provides a host of medical weight management services and cosmetic treatments will be able to give patients a more comprehensive level of care than a physician who only provides Venus body contouring.