Weight Management Q & A
When used in a medical setting, weight management includes a host of treatments that are designed to help patients both lose weight and keep from gaining weight. Most treatments, such as educating patients about nutrition and diet medications, are non-invasive.
Anyone who struggles to maintain a healthy weight may want to talk with a physician. This includes both people who are obese and those who constantly gain and lose a lot of weight. Even patients who aren’t overweight but have concerns about their weight may want to talk to a doctor so they can discuss their worries.
While any licensed and board-certified physician can talk with patients about the benefits of nutritional eating and exercise, patients who struggle with weight management should seek out someone who specializes in the field. Specifically, they should look for a doctor who:
- Will take time to discuss lifestyle choices that impact patients’ weight
- Provides medical treatment options to help with weight management
- Offers cosmetic procedures to enhance people’s bodies
Going to a doctor who offers both medical and cosmetic procedures will let patients get the medical treatment they need while also improving their body so they can feel more confident.
A weight management appointment is a lot like any other doctor’s appointment. Doctors usually want to take a patient’s vitals, medical history, and family history prior to discussing the patient’s specific concerns about their weight. After the preliminaries are taken care of, there is a respectful and informative conversation about the patient’s weight.